Friday, September 14, 2012

Doggie Style

 Although you say “I’m marrying my best friend”, what about having the true man’s best friend standing by your side as you say I DO. 

We all know that a man’s best friend is his dog.  You might be asking yourself how a dog could ever be appropriate for such an elegant affair, but trust me, having that furry K-9 by your side is truly a remarkable feeling.  Not only will your wedding be unique, but it will also be very personal and represent what type of couple you are. 
Having your buddy there for support is great, but make sure they are dressed for the occasion.  There are so many different stores and websites that sell dog apparel for special events.  Might as well have your pet be dressed to impress.  Whether it’s just a bowtie, tiara, top hat or full out tuxedo or gown, there are so many options for making your pet truly fit in with the rest of the crowd. 
Depending on your preference, dogs can be used in many different ways at a wedding.   Whether they sit quietly at the altar acting as moral support to the bride and groom or walking down the aisle to transport the rings, dogs are a great way to really impress your guests. 

Not feeling the whole dog at a wedding idea?  No Problem! You can still incorporate your little guy or gal by incorporating them in a wedding photo shoot.  You can still dress your pet up and have them feel like they are just as important.  The bride and groom can also pose with the pet either before or after the ceremony so you can capture the perfect ‘family portrait’ without actually having to deal with the doggie day-care at the wedding.  

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